



实验室的主要研究方向为几何处理图像与视频处理企业智能计算等领域,正在承担/完成了多项相关的国家、省部级重点重大项目, 同时兼顾各种信息化和知识管理系统的研究和开发。 >>更多


2022 马旭同学等人的最新论文“Attention-based Cross-Layer Domain Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation”被Neurocomputing接收

2022 黄慧敏同学等人的最新论文“MTL-ABS3Net: Atlas-Based Semi-Supervised Organ Segmentation Network with Multi-Task Learning for Medical Images”被J-BHI2022接收

2022 张月同学等人的最新论文“DeepRecs: From RECIST Diameters to Precise Liver Tumor Segmentation”被J-BHI2022接收

2022 李玉迪同学等人的最新论文“N-Cloth: Predicting 3D Cloth Deformation with Mesh-Based Networks”被Eurographics 2022条件接受。project page

2021 唐敏教授获得2021年度中国电子学会科技进步奖三等奖,项目名称:面向探月工程航天任务的虚拟仿真支撑平台,人员:孙守迁,唐敏,顾征,陈丽平,张克俊,徐国仙,邹昕,王彤,李铁映。

2021 唐敏教授获得2020年度浙江省技术发明奖一等奖,项目名称:虚拟环境的高效高保真建模和视觉呈现技术,人员:鲍虎军,王锐,黄劲,章国锋,华炜,唐敏。

2020 李澄同学等人的最新论文“P-Cloth: Interactive Cloth Simulation on Multi-GPU Systems using Dynamic Matrix Assembly and Pipelined Implicit Integrators”被SIGGRAPH Asia2020接受。project page

2020 王鑫磊同学等人的最新论文“A Massively Parallel and Scalable Multi-GPU Material Point Method”被SIGGRAPH 2020接受。project page

2020 王鑫磊同学等人的最新论文“Hierarchical Optimization Time Integration for CFL-rate MPM Stepping”被ACM Transactions on Graphics录用,将于SIGGRAPH 2020报告。Arxiv PDF

2019 童若锋教授获得国家自然科学基金项目资助(61972342,基于语义参数化模型的高质量人脸重建,2020/1-2023/12)。

2019 唐敏教授获得国家自然科学基金项目资助(61972341,基于多GPU架构的高质量布料仿真算法研究,2020/1-2023/12)。

2018 唐敏教授、王彤彤同学、刘忠源同学等人的研究论文“I-Cloth: Incremental Collision Handling for GPU-Based Interactive Cloth Simulation”被SIGGRAPH Asia 2018接收。

2018 王振东同学等人的最新论文“Parallel Multigrid for Nonlinear High-resolution Cloth Simulation”被Pacific Graphics 2018接收

2018 基于实验室之前的研究成果,唐敏教授发布了布料仿真开发包I-Cloth,支持快速稳定的高质量布料仿真。

2018 唐敏教授、刘忠源同学等人的研究论文“PSCC: Parallel Self-Collision Culling with Spatial Hashing on GPUs”被I3D 2018接收。

2018 王鑫磊同学等人的最新论文“Efficient BVH-based Collision Detection Scheme with Ordering and Restructuring”被Eurographics 2018接收

2018 王彤彤同学等人的最新论文“Accurate Self-Collision Detection Using Enhanced Dual-Cone Method”被国际期刊Computers & Graphics接收。

2017 唐敏教授制作的研究海报“GPU加速的高质量布料仿真”被GTC China 2017接收,获赠免费门票。

2017 唐敏教授参与了国家重点研发计划“云计算和大数据”重点专项(2017YFB1002700),复杂时变场景的物理仿真关键技术

2017 唐敏教授作为第三参与人,获得国家自然科学基金重点项目资助(No. 61732015),服装电子商务中的真实感建模与体验

2017 唐敏教授获得浙江大学-阿里巴巴前沿技术联合研究中心项目资助,基于CUDA加速的实时布料仿真

2015-11-18 唐敏教授获得浙江省自然科学基金重点项目资助(LZ16F020003,GPU加速的高质量布料仿真算法研究,2016/1-2019/12)。

2015-10-15 王静同学(博士生,导师林兰芬教授)在“天池24小时极限挑战赛”中荣获第三名!(相关报道

2015-08-18 童若锋教授(61572424,针对着装图像的参数化人体重建)和唐敏教授(61572423,GPU加速的高质量物理仿真算法研究)分别获得国家自然科学基金面上项目资助。

2015-08-17 唐敏教授赴瑞士日内瓦大学MIRALab实验室访问(欧盟大学合作计划项目AniNex 612627资助)。

2014-11-02 课题组研制的光学负载成像仿真系统(开发人员:唐敏、王振东、陈贤德、潘键雄、刘志华、徐校君、蒙畅、赵杰伊)被成功应用于嫦娥三期再入返回试验!(相关报道

2014-09-15 施晓欣同学本月末前往美国微软公司总部(西雅图)就职!

2014-09-10 王静同学在阿里巴巴大数据竞赛中获得佳绩!(相关报道


老师包括: 董金祥教授童若锋教授林兰芬教授唐敏教授




彭文 华北电力大学 董天阳 浙江工业大学 钱归平 浙江传媒学院
廖胜辉 中南大学 欧阳应秀 泰克科技有限公司 林军呈 SingTel(新加坡)
刘生礼 盛立金融软件 张维泽 浙江工业大学 叶征 Solidworks(美国)
许莹莹 之江实验室 彭俪颖 联影医疗 于鹏华 阿里巴巴
丁濛 清华大学 丛林 网易研究院 谢迪 海康威视
张小红 浙江传媒学院 姚原岗 国家信息测评中心 楼轶超 浙江工商大学
张赟 浙江传媒学院 杜鹏 NTU(新加坡) 蒋湛 杭州银行
赵杰伊 德克萨斯大学 李孟飞 网易游戏 郑林涛 河南科技大学
王锋 浙江警察学院 王蒙 网易杭州 谢昊 浙江传媒学院
金耀 浙江理工大学 成可立 Qualcomm(美国) 王静 阿里巴巴
文晔 Google(美国) 童一颖 密西根州立大学 宋晓峰 创业(瑞导科技)
宣俊 浙江音乐学院 夏宇 正泰集团 朱晓伟 浙大设计院
庄圆 中华通信 吉志远 国网苏州供电公司 陈鸣中 蚂蚁集团杭州
王宇峰 华为深圳 陈方芳 阿里巴巴 彭耀鹏 美国圣母大学
郑寒 杭州巨量引擎 梁栋 字节跳动上海 陈效 香港理工大学
周少芳 字节跳动(上海) 周楠 国网河南电力 陈宇亭 阿里巴巴
宋鹏 微软(美国) 张良俊 斯坦福大学 俞玲 出国
宓晓峰 Google(美国) 陈勇 AMD(美国) 柳浩 中兴
陈碧 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 陈雪颂 浙江理工大学 李灿林 上海交通大学
范明 AMD(上海) 史何富 途牛网(南京) 李剑 UT
郑佳俊 Google(上海) 林建贞 建设银行(上海) 王傲宇 浙大网新
张毅彬 Qualcomm(美国) 刘锦永 卓望科技有限公司 张志勇 东风汽车
赵岚 上海 潘练武 创业(非奇科技) 王敏科 中兴
韩伟 杭州市审计局 冯中心 中兴 陆敏 道富
李磊 Infosys(上海) 颜洁清 慈溪市经济发展局 姚毅 创新工场
袁典涛 AMD(上海) 吕梁 Amazon(美国) 唐芳 东方证券
王慧昱 摩根士丹利(上海) 贾亮 阿里巴巴 蒋志成 微策略
林江 工商银行(杭州) 吕靖 Google(美国) 胡升 华为研究院
鲍大勇 百度(上海) 苏洋 妙影微电子 张桂超 创业
卞刚锋 网易游戏 王力 搜狗 汪文杰 蚂蚁集团(杭州)
杨舟 酷渲科技 陆俊虎 华为(杭州) 欧冠男 Intel(上海)
党路 Amazon(加拿大) 何政锟 工商银行(杭州) 张鸽 亚运会组委会
万艺 建设银行(上海) 陈建飞 网易游戏 石岩 人人网
丁银辉 Garena(上海) 羊帅 中电28所 姚晓明 网易有道北京
张书瀚 摩根士丹利(上海) 蒙畅 米哈游(上海) 焦智慧 网易研究院
施晓欣 微软(美国) 琚旋 阿里巴巴 田俊锋 北京微方程
孙均 Intel(上海) 谢非 杭州巨量引擎 黎伟斌 百度(北京)
钱景晔 网易游戏 陈贤德 完美世界(上海) 陈金金 好买衣(上海)
刘细维 百度(上海) 王瑞松 杭州人行 寇曦 微策略
仝罗 网易游戏 谌权民 大疆 姚影 国家电网
唐乐 微软 陈航 杭州同花顺 李泽洋 阿里巴巴
刘志华 网易游戏 潘健雄 阿里巴巴 傅杰 国家电网
徐校君 网易游戏 王云泽 华为杭州 屠佳琪 浙江大学
张恒 快手(北京) 耿波亭 曾科
王蕊 叶利娜 黄文博
杨敬腾 江斌
张方略 清华大学 赵康 阿里巴巴 王兆坤 网易游戏
李若冰 微软(美国) 王道远 Intel(上海) 刘继业 Amazon(美国)



Yudi Li, Min Tang, Yun Yang, Zi Huang, Ruofeng Tong, Shuangcai Yang, Yao Li, Dinesh Manocha, N-Cloth: Predicting 3D Cloth Deformation with Mesh-Based Networks, conditionally accepted by Eurographics 2022.

Diqiong Jiang, Yiwei Jin, Fanglue Zhang, Zhe Zhu, Yun Zhang, Ruofeng Tong, Min Tang, Sphere Face Model: A 3D Morphable Model with Hypersphere Manifold Latent Space.

Diqiong Jiang, Yiwei Jin, Risheng Deng, Ruofeng Tong, Fanglue Zhang, Yukun Yai, Ming Tang, Reconstructing Recognizable 3D Face Shapes based on 3D Morphable Models.



Guoqiang Liu, Dan Song, Ruofeng Tong, Min Tang, Toward Realistic Virtual Try-on Through Landmark Guided Shape Matching. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35(3), 2118-2126, 2021.


Xinlei Wang*, Minchen Li* (equal contribution), Yu Fang, Xinxin Zhang, Ming Gao, Min Tang, Danny M. Kaufman, Chenfanfu Jiang, Hierarchical Optimization Time Integration for CFL-rate MPM Stepping, ACM Trans. Graph. 39, 3, Article 21 (April 2020), 16 pages.

Xinlei Wang*, Yuxing Qiu*(equal contributions), Stuart R. Slattery, Yu Fang, Minchen Li, Song-Chun Zhu, Yixin Zhu, Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Chenfanfu Jiang, A Massively Parallel and Scalable Multi-GPU Material Point Method, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2020.

Cheng Li, Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Ming Cai, Jieyi Zhao, Dinesh Manocha, P-Cloth: Interactive Cloth Simulation on Multi-GPU Systems using Dynamic Matrix Assembly and Pipelined Implicit Integrators, SIGGRAPH Asia, Accepted,, 2020.


Han Zheng, Lanfen Lin, Hongjie Hu, Qiaowei Zhang, Qingqing Chen, Xianhua Han, Yen-Wei Chen, Yutaro lwamoto. Ruofeng Tong, and Jian Wu,Semi-supervised Segmentation of Liver using Adversarial Learning with Deep Atlas Prior,MICCAI2019

Xiao Chen, Lanfen Lin, Dong Liang, Hongjie Hu, Qiaowei Zhang, Yutaro Iwamoto, Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen, Ruofeng Tong, Jian Wu, A Cascade Attention Network for Liver Lesion Classification in Weakly-labeled Multi-phase CT Images,MICCAI2019- MIL3ID

Liying Peng ; Lanfen Lin ; Hongjie Hu ; Huali Li ; Qingqing Chen ; Xiaoli Ling ; Dan Wang ; Xianhua Han ; Yutaro Iwamoto ; Yen Wei Chen:Classification and Quantification of Emphysema Using a Multi-Scale Residual Network,IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,DOI:10.1109/JBHI.2018.2890045

Titinunt Kitrungrotsakul, Xian-Hua Han, Yutaro Iwamoto, Lanfen Lin, Amir Hossein Foruzan, Xiong Wei, Yen-Wei Chen,Vessel Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Multi Pathways for Robust Hepatic Vessel Segmentation,Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,(Publishing Agreement have completed)

Xiao Chen, Lanfen Lin, Dong Liang, Hongjie Hu, Qiaowei Zhang, Yutaro Iwamoto, Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen, Ruofeng Tong, Jian Wu, A DUAL-ATTENTION DILATED RESIDUAL NETWORK FOR LIVER LESION CLASSIFICATION AND LOCALIZATION ON CT IMAGES,ICIP2019

Dong Liang, *Lanfen Lin, Xiao Chen, *Hongjie Hu, Qiaowei Zhang, Qingqing Chen, Yutaro Iwamoto, Xianhua Han, *Yen-Wei Chen, Ruofeng Tong, Jian Wu, MULTI-STREAM SCALE-INSENSITIVE CONVOLUTIONAL AND RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORKS FOR LIVER TUMOR DETECTION IN DYNAMIC CT IMAGES,ICIP2019

Weibin WANG1, Qingqing CHEN1, Yutaro IWAMOTO, Xianhua HAN, Qiaowei ZHANG, *Hongjie HU, *Lanfen LIN, *Yen-Wei CHEN, Deep Learning-Based Radiomics Models for Early Recurrence Prediction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Multi-phase CT Images and Clinical Data,EMBC2019

Yoshihiro Todoroki, Yutaro Iwamoto, *Lanfen Lin, *Hongjie Hu, and *Yen-Wei Chen, Automatic Detection of Focal Liver Lesions in Multi-phase CT ImagesUsing A Multi-channel & Multi-scale CNN, EMBC2019

Huimin Huang, Zhiyuan Ji, Lanfen Lin, Ziliang Liao, Qingqing Chen, Hongjie Hu, Qiaowei Zhang, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-Wei Chen, Ruofeng Tong,Jian Wu,MultiphaseFocalLiverLesions Classification with Combined N-gram and BoVW,InMed2019

Panyanat Aonpong, Qingqin Chen, Yutaro Iwamoto, *Lanfen Lin, *Hongjie Hu, Qiaowei Zhang, and *Yen-Wei Chen,Comparison of Machine Learning–Based Radiomics Models for Early Recurrence Prediction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma,2019 International Conference on Intelligent Medicine and Image Processing (IMIP 2019),Bali, Indonesia,April 19-22, 2019

Liying Peng, Lanfen Lin, Hongjie Hu, Huali Li, Qingqing Chen, Dan Wang, Xianhua Han, Yutaro Iwamoto, and Yen-Wei Chen, Classification and Quantification of Pulmonary Emphysema in CT Images based on Multi-Scale Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,Deep Learning in Healthcare (Springer)

WeibinWang, Dong Liang, Qingqing Chen, Yutaro Iwamoto, Lanfen Lin, Hongjie Hu,Xianhua Han, and Yen-Wei Chen, Medical Image Classification Using Deep Learning, Deep Learning in Healthcare (Springer)

Illumination-aware faster R-CNN for robust multispectral pedestrian detection Chengyang Li, Dan Song, Ruofeng Tong *, Min Tang State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Pattern Recognition 85: 161-171 (2019)


Min Tang, Tongtong Wang, Zhongyuan Liu, Ruofeng Tong, and Dinesh Manocha, I-Cloth: Incremental Collision Handling for GPU-Based Interactive Cloth Simulation, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 37(6), Article 204 (November 2018), 10 pages (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia), 2018.

Zhendong Wang, Longhua Wu, Marco Fratarcangeli, Min Tang, and Huamin Wang, Parallel Multigrid for Nonlinear Cloth Simulation, accepted by Pacific Graphics 2018.

Min Tang, Zhongyuan Liu, Ruofeng Tong, Dinesh Manocha, PSCC: Parallel Self-Collision Culling with Spatial Hashing on GPUs, accepted by I3D 2018.

Xinlei Wang, Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Ruofeng Tong, Efficient BVH-based Collision Detection Scheme with Ordering and Restructuring, accepted by Eurographics 2018.

Tongtong Wang, Min Tang, Zhendong Wang, and Roufeng Tong, Accurate Self-Collision Detection Using Enhanced Dual-Cone Method, accepted by Computers & Graphics,, 2018.


Tongtong Wang, Zhihua Liu, Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Dinesh Manocha, Efficient and Reliable Self-Collision Culling using Unprojected Normal Cones, Computer Graphics Forum, 36(8), 487-498, 2017.

Juntao Ye, Guanghui Ma, Liguo Jiang, Lan Chen, Jituo Li, Gang Xiong, Xiaopeng Zhang, Min Tang, A Unified Cloth Untangling Framework Through Discrete Collision Detection, Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2017), 36(7), 217-228, 2017.


Dan Song, Ruofeng Tong, Jian Chang, Xiaosong Yang, Min Tang, Jian Jun Zhang, 3D Body Shapes Estimation from Dressed-human Silhouettes, Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2016), 35(7), 147-156, 2016.

Ke-Li Cheng, Ruo-feng Tong, Min Tang, Michel Sarkis, Jingye Qian, Parametric Human Body Reconstruction Based on Sparse Key Points, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2016, 22(11): 2467-2479.

Min Tang, Huamin Wang, Le Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Dinesh Manocha, CAMA: Contact-Aware Matrix Assembly with Unified Collision Handling for GPU-based Cloth Simulation, Computer Graphics Forum, 35(2): 511–521, (Proceedings of Eurographics 2016), 2016.

Zhendong Wang, Tongtong Wang, Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Efficient and robust strain limiting and treatment of simultaneous collisions with semidefinite programming, Computational Visual Media, 2(2): 119–130, (Proceedings of CVM 2016), 2016.

Ke-Li Cheng, Xuan Ju, Ruo-Feng Tong, Min Tang, Jian Chang, Jian-Jun Zhang, A Linear Approach for Depth and Colour Camera Calibration Using Hybrid Parameters, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 31(3): 479–488, (Proceedings of CVM 2016), 2016.

Yanlong Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Min Tang, Yu Zhang, Depth Incorporating with Color Improves Salient Object Detection, The Visual Computer, 32(1): 111-121, 2016.

Guiping Qian, Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Xiaohong Zhang, Ruifang Pan, Interactive Mesh Cloning Driven by Boundary Loop, The Visual Computer, 32(4): 513-521, 2016.

Hao Xie, Ruo-feng Tong, Image meshing via hierarchical optimization, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 17(1): 32-40, 2016.

Hao Xie, Ruo-feng Tong, Patch-based variational image approximation, SCIENCE CHINA, 2016.


Chengyang Li, Jingye Qian, Ruofeng Tong, Jian Chang, Jianjun Zhang, GPU based real-time simulation of massive falling leaves, Computational Visual Media, 1(4): 351-358, 2015.

Keli CHENG, Weibin LI, Ruofeng TONG, Jian CHANG, Jianjun ZANG, Combing KNN with LCSS for Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 11(12): 7759-7767, 2015.

Zhendong Wang, Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Dinesh Manocha, TightCCD: Efficient and Robust Continuous Collision Detection using Tight Error Bounds, Computer Graphics Forum, 34(7): 289-298, 10 pages (Proc. of Pacific Graphics), 2015.

Yao Jin, Guiping Qian, Jieyi Zhao, Jian Chang, Ruofeng Tong, Jianjun Zhang, Stretch-minimizing Volumetric Parameterization. Journal of Computer Science and Technology 30(3):1-12 (2015).

Jiang DU, Yao JIN and Ruofeng TONG, As-equilateral-as-possible surface remeshing. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 9(4), 2015.


Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Zhendong Wang, Dinesh Manocha, Fast and Exact Continuous Collision Detection with Bernstein Sign Classification, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33(6), Article 186 (November 2014), 8 pages (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia), 2014.

Feng Wang, Lanfen Lin, Min Tang, A New Sketch-based 3D Model Retrieval Approach by using Global and Local Features, Graphical Models, Vol. 76, No. 3, pp.128-139, May 2014.

Yao Jin, Zeyun Shi, Jun Sun, Jin Huang, Ruofeng Tong: Content-aware texture mapping. Graphical Models 76(3): 152-161, 2014.

Jin Y, Huang J, Tong R. Remeshing‐assisted Optimization for Locally Injective Mappings[C]//Computer Graphics Forum. 2014, 33(5): 269-279.

Hao XIE, Ruofeng TONG, Yun ZHANG. Image Meshing via Alternative Optimization, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10(19): 8209-8217.


Ruofeng Tong, Di Xie, Min Tang, Upper Body Human Detection and Segmentation in Low Contrast Video, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 23(9): 1502-1509, 2013.

Ruo-Feng Tong, Yun Zhang, Ke-Li Cheng. StereoPasting: Interactive Composition in Stereoscopic Images. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 19(8): 1375-1385, 2013.

Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Rahul Narain, Chang Meng, and Dinesh Manocha, A GPU-based Streaming Algorithm for High-Resolution Cloth Simulation, Computer Graphics Forum, 32(7): 21–30, (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2013), 2013.


Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Miguel A. Otaduy, Ruofeng Tong, Continuous Penalty Forces, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31(4), Article 107 (July 2012), 9 pages (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH), 2012.

Min Tang, Jieyi Zhao, Ruofeng Tong, Dinesh Manocha, GPU accelerated Convex Hull Computation, Computers & Graphics, 36(5): 498–506, (Proceedings of SMI 2012), 2012.

Peng Du, Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Fast Continuous Collision Culling with Deforming Non-collinear Filters, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 23(3-4):375-383, (Proceedings of CASA 2012), 2012.

Jieyi Zhao, Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Connectivity-based Segmentation for GPU-accelerated Mesh Decompression, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 27(6): 1110-1118, 2012.

Meng-fei Li, Ruofeng Tong: All-hexahedral mesh generation via inside-out advancing front based on harmonic fields. The Visual Computer 28(6-8): 839-847 (2012)

Xiaohong Zhang, Min Tang, Ruofeng Tong, Robust super resolution of compressed video, The Visual Computer, 28(12): 1167-1180, 2012.

Xiaohong Zhang, Min Tang, Zhicheng Jiang, Ruofeng Tong, Video Fusion Oriented Object Motion Removing, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(6): 2317- 2324, 2012.

谢迪, 童若锋, 唐敏, 冯阳. 具有高区分度的视频火焰检测方法. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2012 Vol. 46 (4): 698-704

赵杰伊, 唐敏, 童若锋. 基于CUDA的细分曲面阴影体算法. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2012 Vol. 46 (7): 1301-1306.


Ding Meng, Tong Ruofeng. Efficient Dark Channel Based Image Dehazing using Quadtrees. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (To Appear).

Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Sung-Eui Yoon, Peng Du, Jae-Pil Heo, and Ruo-Feng Tong. 2011. VolCCD: Fast continuous collision culling between deforming volume meshes. ACM Trans. Graph. 30, 5, Article 111 (October 2011), 15 pages.

Ruo-Feng Tong, Yun Zhang, Meng Ding, Video Brush: A Novel Interface for Efficient Video Cutout, Computer Graphics Forum,30(7):2049–2057, 2011

Lin Cong, Ruofeng Tong, Jinxiang Dong: Selective image abstraction. The Visual Computer 27(3): 187-198 (2011)

Yun Zhang, Ruofeng Tong: Environment-Sensitive cloning in images. The Visual Computer 27(6-8): 739-748 (2011)

Zhe Bian, Tong RF. Feature-preserving mesh denoising based on vertices classification. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 28(1):50-64, 2011.

Li MF, Liao SH, Tong RF. Facial Hexahedral Mesh Transferring by Volumetric Mapping based on Harmonic Fields. Computers & Graphics, 35(1):92-98, 2011.

杜鹏,唐敏,童若锋,多核加速的并行碰撞检测,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 833-838, 2011.

Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Jiang Lin, Ruofeng Tong, Collision-Streams: Fast GPU-based Collision Detection for Deformable Models, In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (i3D 2011), San Francisco, CA, Feb. 18-20, 2011.


Jae-Pil Heo, DukSu Kim, Joon-Kyung Seong, Jeong-Mo Hong, Min Tang, Sung-Eui Yoon, FASTCD: Fracturing-Aware Stable Collision Detection, ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Posters, SIGGRAPH'10, July 26, 2010 - July 30, 2010.

Xiaofeng Song, Min Tang, Deren Chen, Ruofeng Tong, A two step method to recover occluded part of face, Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Sciences, ICIS 2010, 169-173, June 23, 2010 - June 25, 2010.

唐敏,林江,童若锋,图形硬件加速的柔性物体连续碰撞检测,计算机学报(2010中国计算机大会优秀论文),2010, 33(10), 2022-2030.

Sheng-hui Liao, Ruo-feng Tong, Jian-Ping Geng and Min Tang, Inhomogeneous volumetric Laplacian deformation for rhinoplasty planning and simulation system, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 21(3,4), pp.331–341, 2010.

Meng Ding, Ruofeng Tong, Content Aware Copying and Pasting in images, The Visual Computer, 26(6-8), pp.721-729, 2010.


Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Ruofeng Tong, Fast Continuous Collision Detection using Deforming Non-Penetration Filters, In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (i3D 2010), Washington DC, Feb. 19-21, 2010: 7-13.

Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Ruofeng Tong, MCCD: Multi-Core collision detection between deformable models using front-based decomposition, Graphical Models, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp.7-23, 2010.

Weize Zhang, Ruofeng Tong, Jinxiang Dong, Boosting 2-Thresholded Weak Classifers over Scattered Rectangle Features for Object Detection. Journal OF Computer (JCP), 2010.

林江,唐敏,童若锋,GPU加速的生物序列比对,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 420-427, 2010.


Min Tang, Sean Curtis, Sung-Eui Yoon, Dinesh Manocha. ICCD: Interactive Continuous Collision Detection between Deformable Models using Connectivity-Based Culling, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2009, 15(4): 544-557.

Sheng-Hui Liao, Ruo-feng Tong, Jin-xiang Dong. Gradient Field based Inhomogeneous Volumetric Mesh Deformation for Maxillofacial Surgery Simulation. Computers & Graphics, 2009, 33(3): 424-432

WeiZe Zhang, Ruo-feng Tong, Jin-xiang Dong. Boosted cascade of scattered rectangle features for object detection. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 2009, 52(2): 236-243.

Meng Ding, Ruofeng Tong, Sheng-hui Liao, JinXiang Dong. An extension to 3D topological thinning method based on LUT for colon centerline extraction. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2009, 94(7): 39-47.

Sheng-Hui Liao, Ruo-feng Tong, Jin-xiang Dong. Computer Aided Design and Evaluation of New Anatomic Fixation System on Entire Pelvic Model. 2009 SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, 2009, pp.331-336.

Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Ruofeng Tong. Multi-Core collision detection between deformable models. 2009 SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, 2009, pp.355-360.

Di Xie, Ruofeng Tong, Hongsen Wu. A Method to Distinguish the Fire and Flickering Vehicle Light. In: 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, 2009, Vol.6, pp.355-359

Zhihui Jiao, Weize Zhang, Ruofeng Tong. A Method for Accurate Localization of Facial Features. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science, ETCS 2009, Vol.3, pp.261-264.

Di Xie, Ruofeng Tong, Hongsen Wu. Multi-Channel Video-Based Parallel Fire Detection Acceleration Method using Multi-Cores. In: International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, 2009, pp.1335-1340.

Sheng-Hui Liao, Ruo-feng Tong, Interactive Manipulation of Segmented Volume Model by Multi-core Acceleration. In: The 5th Joint Conference on Harmonious Human Machine Environment, HHME2009, pp.174-181.

Huiyu Wang, Ruofeng Tong. Hierarchical Video Data Modeling and Indexing for Virtual Scene Construction. In: 2009 The 2nd International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2009), Dubai, UAE. 2009.

Hao Xie, Ruofeng Tong. An Improved Moving Window Method for Shot Boundary Detection. ICIECS'09.

唐敏,Dinesh Manocha,童若锋,基于SIMD指令的柔性物体并行碰撞检测,计算机学报(2009中国计算机大会推荐论文),2009, 32(10), 2042-2051.

贾亮. 基于J2EE的磁性材料知识管理系统. 数字技术与应用, 2009, 1: 27-29.


Jieyi, Zhao; Min, Tang; Ruofeng, Tong; Jinxiang, Dong. The Platform of Quick Development of Mobile 3D Game, Proceedings - International Symposium on Computer Science and Computational Technology, ISCSCT 2008, v 2, p 226-229, 2008

Min Tang, Sean Curtis, Sung-Eui Yoon, Dinesh Manocha: Interactive continuous collision detection between deformable models using connectivity-based culling. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2008: 25-36.

唐敏,童若锋编著,计算机图形学课程设计,浙江大学出版社,2008年7月。ISBN: 978-7-308-05836-0.

Min Tang, Sung-Eui Yoon, Dinesh Manocha, Adjacency-based culling for continuous collision detection, The Visual Computer,24(7-9), Proceedings of CGI08 (Computer Graphics International), 545-553,2008.

Christian Lauterbach, Sung-Eui Yoon, Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, ReduceM: Interactive and Memory Efficient Ray Tracing of Large Models, Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EGSR 2008), Vol. 27 Issue 4, 1313-1321, 2008.

唐敏,童若锋,董金祥,基于GPU的曲面自适应细分,浙江大学学报(工学版),Vol. 42,No. 7,pp. 1145-1149,2008。

Liao SH, Ruo-feng Tong, Dong JX. Influence of anisotropy on peri-implant stress and strain in complete mandible model from CT. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Elsevier Science,2008, v32, p:53–60.(SCI)

彭文 童若锋 钱归平 董金祥 . 使用特征点与灰度值的医学图像局部配准方法. 中国图象图形学报, 2008, 13 (05): 944-950

楼轶超 林兰芬 董金祥 . 语义驱动的集成化产品建模. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2008, 20 (03): 366-373



Min Tang, Shang-Ching Chou, and Jin-Xiang Dong, Conflicts Classification and Solving for Collaborative Feature Modeling, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier Science, 21(2007), 211-219. ISBN: 1474-0346.

Min Tang, Jin-Xiang Dong, Geometry Image-based Shadow Volume Algorithm for Subdivision Surfaces, In the proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2007, May 30th-June 2nd, 2007, 21-28, Petrópolis, Brazil. (project page) ISBN: 978857669114-3.

Rong-Qin Chen, Min Tang, Jin-Xiang Dong, Non-Photorealistic Rendering in Customizable Styles for Mobile Collaboration, In the proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2007), April 26-28, 2007, Melbourne, Australia, 139-144. ISBN: 1-4244-0963-2.

Liao SH, Ruo-feng Tong, Dong JX. Anisotropic Finite Element Modeling for Patient Specific Mandible. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Elsevier Science,2007, v 88, p:197–209. (SCI)

Ruo-feng Tong, Liao SH, Dong JX, Optimization Technique and FE simulation for Lag Screw Placement in the Anterior Column of the Acetabulum,PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE 2006, May 28-31, 2006.

Peng W, Ruo-feng Tong, Qian GP, Dong JX, A Local Registration Approach of Medical Images with Niche Genetic Algorith, PROCEEDINGS OF THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN, Nanjing P.R.China, 2006, May 3-5

Liao SH, Ruo-feng Tong, Dong JX,3D whole tooth model from CT volume using thin-plate splines,PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN, VOLS 1 AND 2 : 600-604, 2006.

臧铖 黄忠东 董金祥 . 基于状态的通用自主计算模型. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2007, 19 (11): 1476-1481

彭文 童若锋 钱归平 董金祥 . 使用特征点与曲线配准医学图像. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2007, 19 (09): 1126-1131
